Director Chiang En-Pei and Dean Huang Chieh-Chen′s Team Wins First Prize at the ′Green Ideas International Invention and Design Competition

A team of professors and students from National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) has won the first prize (Titanium Award) at the 2024 6th Green Ideas Int

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Decoding the Key Genes of Orchid: Chang-Hsien Yang from National Chung Hsing University Elected as Academia Sinica Life Sciences Academician

The newly elected academicians of Academia Sinica were announced today (July 4). Chang-Hsien Yang, Distinguished Professor at the Graduate Institute o

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Dr. Wilhelm Gruissem Develop Biofortified Rice with High VitB1 Content Without Affecting Yield

A team of scientists from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), ETH Zurich, and Taiwan's National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) have successfully incr

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Congratulations to Professor Wang Sheng-Yang on winning the 2023 NSTC Outstanding Research Award

Freshly awarded the National Science and Technology Council's "Outstanding Research Award," Professor Wang Sheng-Yang is implementing ci

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Academician Tuan-hua David Ho has been awarded the Charles Reid Barnes Life Membership Award by the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB).

Tuan-hua David Ho is a world leader in plant molecular biology who has made seminal contributions to our understanding of hormone signaling, plant dev

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Research team in National Chung Hsing University won the National Innovation Award by the rapid test of orchid virus and the intelligent detect system.


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Professor Chang-Hsien Yang won the 25th National chair professorship by the Ministry of Education

投入花卉生技研究27年,中興大學副校長暨生物科技學研究所講座教授楊長賢,近年聚焦在花形調控、配子體發育及花朵老化凋落等關鍵基因控制,其實驗室技術創造的「鳳凰蘭」更受邀在2016年TIOS台灣國際蘭展展出,今年第二度獲頒教育部第25屆國家講座,並晉身為教育部終身國家講座。 楊長賢於1994年開始從事花

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Professor Shyi-Dong Yeh, has achieved outstanding research on plant virus control, was elected as the 32nd (2018) Academician of Academia Sinica.

40多年前台灣木瓜面臨「木瓜瘟」,中興大學植物病理學系國家講座教練葉錫東當時奉派到國外研究植物病毒學,研究出木瓜疫苗、基改木瓜,做出極大貢獻,今天獲選中研院院士。 中央研究院2日至5日舉辦第33次院士會議,今天選出第32屆新科院士,共21人當選,包括數理科學組5名、工程科學組5名、生命科學組6名、人

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Professor Chang-Hsien Yang, has made important contributions to the field of orchid flower formation and regulation, received the The 25th TECO Award (2018) from TECO Technology Foundation.

文/財團法人東元科技文教基金會提供 中興大學學術副校長暨生物科技學研究所講座教授楊長賢,以領先國際的「花被密碼」突破性理論,解析蘭花特有花型發育機制,其改良本土蘭花,培育出新穎特殊的「鳳凰蘭」,提高花卉產值,強化臺灣農業競爭力,貢獻殊偉,11月3日獲頒東元獎。 楊長賢透過解析蘭花特有的花型發育機制,

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