Establishment of a core facility with upright fluorescence microscope
The research work in APB center (Advanced Plant Biotechnology Center) is dependent on the observation of tissues of live plant cells. In order to strengthen the quality of the equipment and results, APB center purchased a Zeiss M2 upright fluorescence upright microscope, equipped with high-end DIC 40X water immersion objective lens and XYZ motorized stage. This equipment will enable our research to obtain high-quality results and better refined discoveries.
Green house and test field for genetiy modified crops
The center's greenhouses and isolated test fields for genetically modified crops have been established and obtained new licenses for 10 years of use. These are the most complete facilities for research institutions and universities across the country.
National Germplasm Center for Genetiy Improved Crops
In cooperation with Academia Sinica this Center has established a National Germplasm Center for Genetically Improved Crops: for storage, propagation and distribution of seeds of genetically improved crops, providing long-term preservation of important genetically improved crops for national and international research projects.
Construction of core facilities for conjugate focus microscope
The Cell Imaging Core Laboratory of NCHU purchases the new confocal microscope Olympus FV3000 funded by the center could facilitate the research not only for the center but also for the research groups inside and outside of the university.
Build a smart agricultural aerial camera platform
Our center cooperates with the German Julich Research Center and the University of Erlangen in using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with artificial intelligence for field surveys, which combine image recognition and measurement technology to monitor plant growth.