[Yau-Heiu Hsu] Nicotiana benthamiana Argonaute10 plays a proviral role in Bamboo mosaic virus infection

Huang, Y-W, Hu, C-C, Tsai, C-H, Lin, N-S, Hsu, Y-H. 2019 New Phytologist

Within BaMV infection, RNA-silencing suppressor (P28) upregulates the gene expression of NbAGO10, which competes with antivirally active NbAGO1 for binding BaMV vsiRNA. This study provides the evidence that virus hijacks AGO10-directed suppression of AGO1-mediated antiviral silencing to assist virus invasion, which represents a novel strategy to counteract antiviral RNA silencing.

Article source: https://nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/nph.16048