[Ching-Hsiu Tsai] Dissecting the role of a plant-specific Rab5 small GTPase NbRabF1 in Bamboo mosaic virus infection

Huang, Y-P, Hou, P-Y, Chen, I-H, Hsu, Y-H, Tsai, C-H, and Cheng, C-P, 2020 Journal of Experimental Botany

In the previous experiment indicated that the cell-to-cell movement of the Bamboo mosaic virus could be trafficking through the vesicle system. A small GTPase RabF1-mediated vesicle is found to participate in this virus movement. Therefore, BaMV is proposed to transport from the Golgi apparatus to the plasma membrane.

Article source: https://academic.oup.com/jxb/advance-article/doi/10.1093/jxb/eraa422/5905240