[Chang-Sheng Wang] Two genomic regions of a sodium azide induced rice mutant confer broad-spectrum and durable resistance to blast disease.

A broad-spectrum blast resistant rice mutant line SA0169 was obtained by the sodium azide mutagenesis. Two regions Pi169-6(t) and Pi169-11(t) were mapped with the integration of BSA, Axiom array, Mut-Map methods and functional validated by genome editing. The two regions on chromosomes 6 and chromosome 11 provide completely resistant against the 187 blast isolates and displayed durable resistance for almost 20 years. This mutant has been applied to breed CS99 and CS111 varieties with both blast and bacterial blight resistances will be released soon.
Lo, Kuan-Lin et al., 2022 Rice

Article source: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12284-021-00547-z