[Shyi-Dong Yeh] Potyviral gene silencing suppressor HCPro interacts with salicylic acid binding protein 3 to weaken SA mediated defense responses

S. Poque, Wu, H.-W., Huang, C.-H., Cheng, H.-W., Hu, W.-C., Yang, J.-Y., Wang, David, Yeh, S.-D.* 2018. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 31(1):86-100. SCI

This study found that the SA-binding protein SABP3 (AtCA1) of Arabidopsis thaliana has an In-vitro and In-vivo interaction with TuMV HC-Pro (TuHC), and the AtCA1-Knockout (ca1) plants were more susceptible to TuMV. From our results, TuMV HC-Pro interacts and down-regulates AtCA1 expression to reduce SA accumulation for weaken the plant defense response to the virus.

Article source: https://doi.org/10.1094/MPMI-06-17-0128-FI